ACE Terminal and Iberdrola have joined forces for the import of green hydrogen that the Spanish energy company wants to transport to the Netherlands in the form of green ammonia. At the same time, a letter of intent was signed between Iberdrola and Gasunie to establish the green hydrogen chain from Spain to the Netherlands. Iberdrola will supply green ammonia to the planned ACE import terminal, a project of HES International, Vopak and Gasunie in the port of Rotterdam, and have it transported as green hydrogen to its European customers via the Dutch national hydrogen network of Gasunie's subsidiary Hynetwork Servies.

King Willem-Alexander and minister of Energy and Climate Rob Jetten listened carefully to the hydrogen ambitions of HES International CEO Cees van Gent
The joint statements were signed in Portollano, Spain, at the Iberdrola hydrogen installation in the presence of King Willem-Alexander, the Spanish King Felipe and Rob Jetten, Minister for Energy and Climate. Walter Moone (President New Energies & LNG Vopak), Cees van Gent (CEO of HES International) and Ulco Vermeulen (Executive Board of Gasunie) were present on behalf of the project partners and are very pleased that Iberdrola has chosen this open access terminal to to be supplied, stored and further distributed as a green hydrogen carrier. Together with Iberdrola, the ACE Terminal project has taken an important step in the development of the hydrogen value chain between Spain and the Netherlands.